Adoption is such a complex issue, and everyone has much to learn - not only the parents (by birth and by adoption), adult adopted people, but also the institutions, professionals, neighbors, and friends who assist them.  Who has the ability to provide effective training?

For many, the answer is PACT/Dr Pavao - and has been for well over 50 years

Services and Trainings Offered

Individual and Community Training Consultation and Education

For individuals, couples, and families touched by adoption (including step-families, foster, guardianship, and kinship issues of emotional adoption). Or any other individual/couple with complex family struggles.

For pre-and post-adoptive families (including birth families) and other complex blended families to clarify issues and identify options and resources.  For clinicians and other professionals working with complex blended families who need guidance with special issues (i.e. disruption, adolescent issues, search, openness, etc.)

For therapists, private and public agencies, hospitals, residential treatment centers, lawyers, judges, educators, clergy, and others who work with the complex family system.

For educating community resources: local groups, clinics, schools, and agencies through workshops, seminars, and conferences.

Certificate Program in Adoption Competency offered to groups and agencies

For clinicians and other professionals working with adoption and complex blended families

Using lecture, videos, group discussion, and consultations, this six-month program is designed to help therapists and other professionals develop the clinical sensitivity and, more importantly, the competency needed to treat the mental health problems of children who come from a background of abuse and neglect and who are being raised in a family other than the birth family. The course emphasizes the development of a framework of understanding about the complexity of being a child or adult in a family by adoption and the therapeutic skills that will enable practitioners to work at the individual, couples, group, and family levels of clinical practice. Woven into each class is the impact of trauma, separation, loss, and multiple moves can have on a child’s development and wellbeing.

Clinical Supervision

AAMFT Approved Supervisor, Adoption competent supervision, or additional supervised hours for licensure- contact for scheduling.  

50+ years of training and experience providing clinical supervision to providers at all stages of training.

Additional Services



Family Consultation

Search Support

Reunion Coaching

Parent Coaching

Transracial and International

Donor, Surrogacy, NPE and MPE

Open Adoption Mediation

Advanced Clinical Consultation/Supervision Program

For clinicians and other professionals working with adoption and complex blended families

This program offers consultation, supervision, and training for mental health professionals in specialized theories and practices for working with all members of the adoptive triad (birthparents, adoptive parents, and adopted person). The primary objective of this program is to allow therapists who have taken the course in adoption competency and who have a clear understanding of the many dimensions of systemic view one must have to work with the entire constellation of adoption to apply, develop, and explore their clinical knowledge. Formed at the request of professionals working in the world of adoption, this program is a huge help to professionals and families.